Wednesday, February 23, 2005

What I learned from Barry Bonds...

Barry Bonds gave his State of Barry Bonds speech yesterday, and I'm happy to report that Barry is still an asshole. It's good to have one constant in the world. Anyway, Bonds declared the steroid controversy to be history, which I guess it is, in the sense that the war in Iraq is history. Bonds went on to make several bizarre statements, basically saying that the press was persecuting him because he was black and Babe Ruth was white (no mention of Giambi), that Canseco is a liar, that the press lies all the times and thus should have astericks by their names (kind of a weird statement that was sort of an admission that he lied about his own steroid use) and that it's not so much his fault for taking steroids as it is the media's fault for telling everyone that he did it. Seems odd for a guy who hates the press so much to hold a press conference, but I think Barry considers this more like his yearly penance than anything else. He stood up in front of the media, and now he doesn't need to do it for the rest of year. I guess Barry's point was that everyone is a liar so that makes it okay for him to be one too. Jayson Stark noted today on ESPN radio that whenever a reporter asked a tough question, Barry just went on the offensive and ripped the person instead of answering it. It will be interesting to see how Barry's demeanor changes if he has to testify in open court in the BALCO case.


Blogger Chuck said...

Time for Buddy Young Selig to suspend his injected ass for a month.

8:38 AM  

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